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COMM1107 Stakeholder Relations and Emergent Media
Live Reflective Blog Post
Darcy Sullivan
The method in which emergent technologies and media systems are utilized within modernity relate to a constant and seemingly necessary demand for growth. Growth in relation to the efficiency and proliferation of delivery systems that dispatch goods and services, communication, and information. The development and availability of the Internet of Things (IoT), reinforced by a globalized interconnectivity between international producers, systems of trade, and end users heralds the contemporary line of demarcation between traditional markets and what we have now(K. Patel & S. Patel, 2016). It is fundamental that safe guards and systems of accountability via laws and education are installed within the application of participatory media. These precautionary and responsible steps are necessary to ensure that all stakeholders producing, transporting and using participatory media are not negatively affected by its possible faults. This essay shall reflect upon three viable systems that seek to safeguard and prevent the detrimental use of participatory emergent media. This essay shall conclude that it is best practice to utilize many systems of emergent media regulation in conjunction with one another to assist stakeholder relations.
1. #TwitterForGood Campaign: Endorsing and supporting NGO’s and Charitable organizations efforts to further promote the online health and safety of its users.
Two effective strategies have been implemented to reduce the negative impacts on mental health associated with the misuse and abuse of twitter’s online platform (Twitter.com/about 2018).
A) #AdsForGood: The Pro Bono endorsement of NGO’s and charitable organizations via advertisement campaigns throughout Twitter. Within 2018, 200 organizations globally received a total of 2.6 million in advertising credits, 39% directed towards online health and safety (Twitter.com/blog, 2018).

As a participatory social media platform twitter is comprised of stakeholders at every point of its interface. The developers, moderators, and end users of twitter are interconnected stakeholders as individual participation results in the primary function of twitter.
Case Study: #TogetherWeCan: NGO Cycle Against Suicide (CAS) and Twitter partner to promote online safety (GDPR, 2016).
CAS in hand with Twitter Dublin runs conferences focusing on best practice ways to promote online safety and equip CAS ambassadors to support their peers and other students.
CAS gained thousands of followers trending and twitter and thusly spreading awareness, connectivity, and insight (ibid, 2016).
The predominant method of ensuring harmonious use of social media platforms is self-governance. The self-moderation and restriction of extremist and exploitive material within platforms like twitter allows for stakeholders to continue influencing and steering their experience within the platform. Twitter’s collaboration with Cycle Against Suicide is representative of a non-governmental strategy to educate and limit the negative consequences emergent media can create for stakeholders. Twitter employs an international strategy to ensure that the future relationship between stakeholders is based upon a self-regulatory foundation. Whilst self-governance for emergent media can promote freedom, it is also important to recognize that the misuse of end user data is common place, often extorted and utilized for commercial, and (on some occasions) political motives. The influential misuse of data puts stakeholders at risk and therefore requires broader and more stringent international regulation. Multinational organizations of governance seeking to protect the sovereignty of their jurisdictional populations must implement regulatory systems of accountability.
2. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union.
. Put into action within 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation is a system of emergent media accountability installed by the European Union that ensures data protection and social media privacy for all individual citizens of the European Economic Area and the EU (Rsisecurity.com, 2020).
. The GDPR is a greater system of protection for the online health and safety of stakeholders as it works to ensure that systems of self-governance utilized by emergent media platforms adhere to greater policies set to protect end users and stakeholders (Ibid, 2020).
. The GDPR limits the ability of online businesses and companies to monitor customer and end user information and behavior for automated profile and advertisement targeting. The protection of end-user information from investing stakeholder companies seeking to achieve financial gain from profile information is an excellent method of emergent media accountability.
The GDPR requires online businesses and companies to adhere to the following requirements.

(Rsisecurity.com (2020), ‘DATA PROTECTION & SOCIAL MEDIA: HOW GDPR INFLUENCES TODAY’S SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS’. ACCESSED: 21/10/20, https://blog.rsisecurity.com/data-protection-and-social-media/.)
Case study example of protecting stakeholder information and privacy.
On the 21st of January 2019 the French Commision on Informatics and Liberty implemented the GDPR and fined google fifty million Euros (Dataprivacymanager.net, 2020).
Googled violated the following GDPR articles:
- (Article 13) Information to be provided where personal data are collected from the data subject (gdpr-info.eu, 2016).
- (Article 14) Information to be provided where data have not been obtained from the data subject (gdpr-info.eu, 2016).
Google was fined on the lack of transparency on how data was harvested from the data subjects and used for ad targeting. Google Failed to provide users information concerning consent policies.
Emergent media platforms that retain the personal information and data of their stakeholders must adhere to these regulations.
‘Companies will receive fines of 20 million euros or roughly 4% of their annual turnover if they do not adhere to the GDPR requests’ — (Rsisecurity.com, 2020)
Simply put, online compliance with the GDPR raises the bar of stakeholder engagement by safeguarding the loss and misuse of critical data by theft and commercial incentive.
3. Kavout Investec Company: Machine Learning Investing
Kavout Investec Company demonstrates a future possibility in advisory services for stakeholders within emergent technologies. Via an automated algorithm kavout takes millions of data points while analyzing stock market indicators, news updates, blogs and social media platforms and gives highly accurate value points to set stock prices and fluctuations (G. Bharadwaj, 2020).

. Unlike Twitters system of self-governance and education programs, or the GPDR regulations, Kavout’s machine learning program associates all data points within emergent media and identifies which outcomes are associated to the best possible actions that stakeholders should take.
. Whilst many Artificial intelligence techniques remain untested in broad lengths of time, it is my recommendation that they should be incorporated to best achieve transparency and further regulatory systems that aid the relationship between stakeholders and organizations (B. Buchanan, 2019).
The embedding of further machine learning alongside self-governance, and external regulatory groups whom protect end user information is the best strategy to enhance the interactions amongst customers, suppliers, stakeholders, and employees.
- B. Buchanan, (2019), ‘Artificial Intelligence in Finance’ The Allan Turing Institute, Department of Finance, Albers School of Business and Economics, Seattle University, Seattle, Washington, accessed & https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2626454 19/10/20.
- Dataprivacymanager.net (2020), ‘The 5 Biggest GDPR Fines So Far’. Accessed 20/10/20 https://dataprivacymanager.net/5-biggest-gdpr-fines-so-far-2020/.
- GDPR, (2016), ‘REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL’, Official Journal of the European Union. Accessed 21/10/20 — https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32016R0679
- gdpr-info.eu, (2016), ‘Rights of the Data Act’ Chapter 3, Article 13, accessed & https://gdpr-info.eu/chapter-3/
- gdpr-info.eu, (2016), ‘Rights of the Data Act’ Chapter 3, Article 14, accessed & https://gdpr-info.eu/chapter-3/https://gdpr-info.eu/chapter-3/
- G. Bharadwaj, (2020), ’Stock Brokerage Firms and Artificial Intelligence — Current Applications’, accessed & https://emerj.com/ai-sector-overviews/stock-brokerage-firms-and-artificial-intelligence-current-applications/ 22/10/20
- K. Patel & S. Patel, (2016) ‘Internet of Things-IOT: Definition, Characteristics, Architecture, Enabling Technologies, Application & Future Challenges’, Department of Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Technology and Engineering-MSU, Vadodara, Gujarat, India - Kavout, (2020) ‘strategy, design and services’, accessed 19/10/20, https://www.kavout.com/strategy-design-and-services/
- Rsisecurity.com, (2020). ‘How Businesses Can Benefit From Complying With GDPR Regulations’ accessed & https://blog.rsisecurity.com/data-protection-and-social-media/ 20/10/20
- Rsisecurity.com (2020), ‘DATA PROTECTION & SOCIAL MEDIA: HOW GDPR INFLUENCES TODAY’S SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS’. ACCESSED: 21/10/20, https://blog.rsisecurity.com/data-protection-and-social-media/.
- Twitter.com/blog, (2018), https://blog.twitter.com/official/en_us/a/2016/togetherwecan-cycle-against-suicide-and-twitter-partner-to-promote-online-safety.html accessed: 20/10/20
- Twitter.com/about (2018), ‘#TwitterForGood: 2018 Global Report’, https://about.twitter.com/content/dam/about-twitter/company/twitter-for-good/twitterforgood-global-report-2018.pdf, accessed: 19/10/2020